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About Shiji APAC & Middle East

Established as the first Shiji international business, Shiji Asia Pacific & Middle East has been providing hotel technology and services for over 10 years. With offices in Singapore, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, India, UAE and Saudi Arabia, we cover all time zones in Asia and the Middle East with experts in every domain, from hospitality to distribution to food and beverage to leisure activities.

  • Ouvert dans 2009
  • 170 + employés
  • 11 bureaux
Notre mission

Notre mission est d’aider nos clients à mieux servir leurs clients grâce à un réseau intégré de systèmes informatique pour l’hotellerie. Nous sommes engage à assurer la sécurité, la facilité d’utilisation et la connectivité afin que nos clients puissent faire ce qu’ils font le mieux : servir leurs clients.

shiji group APAC
Points de vente

Produits et services

Nous aidons nos clients à passer à des systèmes informatiques totalement intégrés avec un réseau de plates-formes et de solutions afin qu'ils puissent se concentrer sur ce qu'ils font le mieux : servir leurs hôtes.

Solutions numériques Shiji Group
Quote icon Shiji group

“We have been thoroughly impressed by Shiji and the Infrasys team throughout the installation phases... We chose Infrasys Cloud POS not only as it is fiscally compatible and cloud-based, but also due to Shiji’s extensive global reach with offices around the world that speak the necessary languages and provide 24/7 support.

Tina Stehle, Director Global Applications – Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
Quote icon Shiji group

“One of the main benefits is the quality of experience Shiji’s solutions facilitate for our customers. The mobile app allows our guests to check in, book, see the latest offers, and use the phone as a mobile key, underpinning the quality of their customer experience.

Jorge Rodriguez – easyHotel
Quote icon Shiji group

“Shiji has been a great partner of IHG’s for many years beginning with the first Chinese distributor connectivity to an international hotel group.  We’re excited to continue to work with them on bringing new distribution channels, like Fliggy, to our portfolio in 2019.”

Lew Harasymiw  —  Intercontinental Hotels Group
Icône flèche Shiji group
Icône flèche Shiji group

Premier Inn

How Premier Inn Significantly Increased Search Success Rates and Overall Bookings Through Collaboration with Shiji

Icône flèche Shiji group
Voyez toutes les études de cas
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Notre vision

"La mission de Shiji est de rendre les entreprises plus efficaces. Nos valeurs fondamentales sont le respect, la confiance, l'intégrité et l'excellence. Nous y croyons et nous insistons sur ce point dans toute notre organisation."

Senior Vice President- Asia Pacific & Middle East


Let's get in touch, and find out all the ways Shiji can help you build a better and more integrated hotel technology stack.

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