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SnapShot, Hospitality's premier data platform Shiji Group
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Collect. Harmonize. Analyze.

SnapShot is the first and largest independent data processing platform for the hospitality industry, helping both enterprise and individual hospitality organizations collect, harmonize, and analyze data to better manage their business.

About SnapShot hospitality's data platform Shiji Group
Data Platform

Harmonize and facilitate access to your data across multiple systems and data sources to empower your business with better data solutions.


Analyze your business through custom visualization solutions or SnapShot Analytics tool sets for enterprise groups or independent hospitality clients.


Unlock and use data with applications from innovative developers on SnapShot Marketplace.

A Data Platform for the Hospitality Industry

With massive amounts of data now available to hotels, it’s safe to say that all future technologies will rely on data and integrations. The need for an independent system to collect and connect all existing data for hotels has become inevitable. Enter the "data platform." But what does is a data platform and how does it work for hotels? 

We’ve all heard about the endless potential of data, but data is essentially worthless unless it is properly stored, intelligently organized, and made accessible to users and other systems. Yes, we can see and store the data, but if we don’t understand it, we’re missing out on a world of opportunities, and in turn, profits. Without the technology to bring all data together into one easily accessible location, data becomes an unmanageable monster.

SnapShot's data platform combines all of the data together from various data sets and acts as a centralized hub where it can be accessed for analysis and integrations. For the hospitality industry, this means collecting data from multiple systems (PMS, POS, Channel Manager, Website Analytics and much more), harmonizing it into usable and uniform structures, and providing managed APIs and applications to access the data.